And lastly, Nightmare Girlfriend will not allow you to gain health during "Broken Heart" similarly to "Black Sun" from Sonic.Exe except the health starts halfway instead of full, requiring you to miss less notes.In You Can't Win, during the chorus, the screen darkens immensely, making the notes harder to hit due to the dark vignette. Nightmare Black Impostor has a Kill Button with him, which is timed and scripted throughout his song and its required to miss these timed slashes with his knife.He can also summon road signs to block the notes. Tricky, and their functionality remain the same as insta-kill notes. This Vs Pasta Night X Cuphead, Sans, Bendy FNF Mod is a little bit difficult so you can play it on Easy mode. Nightmare Tricky summons red halo notes just like in Vs. FNF Pasta Night X Cuphead, Sans, Bendy is one of the most popular FNF Mod based on the Friday Night Funkin game.This vignette luckily goes down pretty quickly. Nightmare Bambi will cause a vignette of neon green crops to slowly cover the healthbar.Prior to the update, there was a mechanic where the notes would bounce everytime Eteled hits a purple axe note, this mechanic was removed for being too overpowered. Nightmare Eteled summons purple axe notes which drop your health immensely when pressed, and in Deleteno, he messes with the window, rhythmically splitting and moving them around, and like MissingNo., he messes with the arrows, glitching in varying places.And like Cuphead's week, him firing shots is indicated by a warning sign popping, requiring you to dodge them quickly. Nightmare Boyfriend is capable of firing Mega Blasts, akin to Cuphead but rather than one, he fires two.

This mod presents quite a few game mechanics, each fit for every nightmare opponent.